Performance Media Buying

Grow your online presence on social media platforms with us. We have experiences across industry verticals to create and publish content, interact with users, and analyze performance.

Dolphin, Social-Led Communications

Programmatic Ads. Facebook Ads. Youtube Ads. Google Ads.

Performance Media Buying

Search Ads

Social Media Ads. Search Ads

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads. Youtube Ads

Search Ads

Social Media Ads

Increase brand awareness on Gamuda scholarship and manage to bring over ~70% of the scholarship applicants in 2018 & 2022 intake through both Search & Social Media Ads

Successfully bring in sales even RFQ (request for quotation) over the months, especially in Indonesia’s big cities through Search Ads

AEC Singapore


bringing >200 potential buyers / students at only RM 25 CPL

promising lower bounce rate due to high leads quality

and many more...

Our Accomplishments